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Blog 9 - BBG ch. 9

Before reading chapter 9, I knew that it would be a critical chapter to read in understanding how to make my paper the best it can be. When it comes to revising my own work, I get stuck in a position where I have nowhere to turn. If I typed my own essay to make sense to me, then every time I read it, it will sound fine; however, if I have someone else read it, they'll be able to point out careless mistakes that I missed on my own. This is why I focused so much on the section in the chapter entitled, "Revising Based on Peer Review." I find that I do my best revisions when it is based off of advice given baby peers who have read my work. Just as the chapter states, the review can be done by literally anyone who is not you, such as a friend, teacher, or even coworker. Having someone with no knowledge of your assinment creates the possibility to het a real opinion on the work and if it makes no snese to them, then it probably will not make any sense to the person grading it. In my opinion, asking myself questions is helpful to a certain point, yet, I'll never be fully confident when turning in a paper unless I get good advice from peers who have read it. For project two, I didn't get as much peer revision as I wish I could have, but my group gave me some good advice and pointed out some grammar mistakes that I had missed.

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